Just so there are no mistakes regarding the title of this post. I'm a carnivore. I don't simply like meat - I love it. If there was a cow in here right now I'd bite a hunk out of it's ass and make a sandwich.
Ok, now that we got that straight.
Last week I was invited out to lunch with some coworkers, considering the day I was having some time away from the cubicle walls sounded like a good deal. This changed once I got in the car... turns out we were heading for the only vegan place within 30 miles. Actually, it may be further than 30 miles. I have no idea since I didn't even know this place existed.
Great, so now I'm thinking about all the shapes you can form soy into. I was imagining the menu would be:
- Cold Soy topped with spinach and fig leaves
- Warm Soy with bean curd dressing
- Soy with lawn clippings
I'm all into trying something new, but honestly I was just hoping they had bread and maybe I could stop for a burger on the way back.
I have no idea where this preconception came from. I still don't even know what the word means and I have a feeling if I googled it I still wouldn't.
But you know what? It was actually pretty good. Turns out they had a great grilled tortilla wrap. They even had a barbecue sandwich (this one was a little confusing for me).
To my local steakhouse - don't worry, I'll be back to eat my weight in beef soon enough.
Maybe next time I'll try the soy. Ha, just kidding.